

#Firstkiss A Great Ad Campaign

Posted by Look Ideas On 3/13/2014

"First Kiss" is one of the best advertising campaigns of all time.  Clear example of the value that a film can achieve fashion as a marketing tool. 

Its creator is  Tatia Pllieva  as pointed out on his  Twitter  "I am a filmmaker who lives in Los Angeles (USA) and grew up in the country of Georgia, not the state." 

Who does not know is that this video is not very up to date with what is happening in the network. This video is we become very short time one of the most viewed of all time on YouTube with over forty million visits and more hyped on social networks video  "We ask 20 strangers who kissed for the first time .. . "But you know that in reality is a Fashion Film and is also an advertising campaign launched in the fashion week of


Creative Director Wren:  Melissa Coker  said  "I strive to make a film to be interesting in itself rather than that it looks like a simple business, and that somehow to people who are connected to reach not only fashion, but also those who are not connected at all. "

This advertising campaign is the clothing brand Wren , American fashion firm and the people who come in are actually actors, models and musicians all foreigners. These Langley Fox . Components of the bands OK Go and The Like  or the author herself  Soko  Song film  We Might Be Dead By Tomorrow

The makers of this excellent advertising campaign have been Wren Creative Director:  Melissa Coker , with Film Director, Writer and Actress  Gia Coppola  with the help of actress  Tavi Gevinson . 

Melissa Coker  not know the success it has achieved from this campaign and in his words is denoted " The most exciting of the comments I've heard is that they see over and over again, which is short renews your faith in love, this is very comforting. Besides the Soko singer and his song 'We Might Be Dead Tomorrow' on has sold  more than a million downloads. "

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#GoogleAdwords Advertise on #Google

Posted by Look Ideas On 3/13/2014

Adwords is Google's advertising platform for advertisers allowing them to create ads or banners for your web site. 

The platform is divided into two parts.

§   Search Engine Marketing (SEM): Ads that appear when you perform a query in the Google search engine, with defined keywords.

§    Display Network: Ads Google sites like Gmail, YouTube and any site or application affiliate advertising program Google Adsense. They can be text or images.

Vs Google Adwords Google Adsense: 
The first is for companies that want to advertise while the second is for media, websites, portals or blogs to put those ads.

Today is not San Google but could be,  if you like, 
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What is #GoogeAnalytics?

Posted by Look Ideas On 3/13/2014

Googe Analytics
Analytics is a tool that Google provides for free to measure the statistics of the websites or blogs. With what you can get reports of what works and what does not in your sites.  

reports Google Analytics are based on traces of unique users, the performance of its segment, the results of marketing campaigns carried out, taking into account the search engines, testing ads, content performance. 

To start using this service, you must enter Google Analytics and logged. Will be granted a JavaScript code that you must enter in your site and ready.  

UX or user experience is very important in this day and age concept and must be taken into account to get the most out of our news programs or information portals . 

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Don't Know #Mailrelay

Posted by Look Ideas On 3/13/2014

Mailrelay platform is a highly recommended email marketing easy use through its great potential. Basic and Free accounts allow you to send some fifteen thousand emails while allowing payment send millions of emails monthly Most SMEs or companies need this service. Many are unaware of this simple but yet complex system allows for a system of sending bulletins great features.

The big but is that this system does not allow you to register through any email but must be done through a single domain. 

The best version is the Enterprise offers the following features:
  • Visual tracking visitor statistics, clickers, bounced.
  • Dynamic fields (custom newsletters).
  • Forms integration with your website.
  • Custom domain.
  • Variables tracking links.
  • IPhone application.
  • Synchronizer Windows contacts.
  • API development and integration.

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The Best Banks #Free Images

Posted by Look Ideas On 3/13/2014

All who have websites or blogs  need  images and pictures. The best way to achieve this might be just getting into Google Images, select the one you like, download it and upload it to your web site or blog. 

But if you want to be more original  must  know that there are thousands of image banks paid and free internet. Of which  you can  download as many pictures as like  (In most cases you only have to put the authorship of the image that you seleccionéis).

Bank of images and sounds
It belongs to the National Institute of Educational Technology and Vocational Training, Ministry of Education. No registration.

Containers have images divided into various categories. No registration.

This bank is to record images and contains images of very good quality.
This bank is linked to image is Flickr and without registration. It also has a high variety of categories. 

Flyckr Comond

It is certainly one of the best image bank network. No need to register and contains very colorful and very good quality images.

Free Artistic Photo
It is one of the best banks in artistic images. The only but is that the photographs include a watermark by author. But they are true works of art and art should always be linked to its author. 

Free Photo Bank
This image bank is a favorite LookIdeas to have a comprehensive list of broad categories and which highlights an excellent quality in his photographs.

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The latest hoax #Whatsapp and #Facebook

Posted by Look Ideas On 3/13/2014

One means of Peru generated last wave of rumors claims that the photos and videos that are sent by courier albums appear in the social network.


After buying  Whatsapp  by  Facebook , rumors and hoaxes on the future of messaging service not stop moving.
In recent days, through social networks, has begun to spread news that came from a radius of Peru. From across the Atlantic ensured that all the photos and videos shared through  Whatsapp  have an album on  Facebook  from early April .
The news referred to the Time magazine  , which would, according to the radio VivaFM , which Mark Zuckerberg had the exclusive. However, this news did not exist in  Time  and was completely false.
Despite this and that does not exist or no warning that there is a direct link between services  Whatsapp  and  Facebook ,  the news has spread Internet and complaints soon appeared in the social net and all were aimed at maximum of ' goodbye to privacy . "
The origin of the story of the Peruvian radio is still unknown or interest by a competitor behind there. For now, all that is known is that Whatsapp photos   on Facebook  is, for now, a hoax.
Falling Whatsapp chats and roses
This was not the first time that social networking burn with hoaxes and rumors about the future of the courier. The first big wave came with the  fall of  Whatsapp  within seven after purchase . It was four hours in which hoaxes spread like wildfire mobile mobile.
One of the most striking was thread that if it broke would leave the user without WhatsApp service  . If not forward, your account will remain inactive, lose all contacts, the menu will turn pink and would have to start paying 0.37 euros for each message sent. The reward for being obedient messages were free for life.

Source: cnn


The Online Spot #TelecincoCinema Pure Motivation

Posted by Look Ideas On 3/11/2014

Telecinco Cinema

Telecinco Cinema has presented one of the best Online Spots of All Time. A Spot motivating and engaging from start to finish. With this post @ Lookideas wishes you happy and sweet dreams.

Enjoy the best Spanish Telecinco Cinema films

The Impossible ',' To be born again "and" Tadeo Jones' are some of the latest titles, along with a great reception from the public, have received rave reviews and award nominations as the Oscars, the Globes Goya Golden But not all, Telecinco Cinema has also participated in blockbusters like 'Agora', 'Alatriste', 'No peace for the wicked', 'Cell 211' and other great titles of Spanish cinema.

Source: TeleCinco

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#GoogleTrends You Positioning Tool

Posted by Look Ideas On 3/11/2014

This Google service is an essential tool for any Community Manager and even to anyone who will pique curiosity and wanting to know more as the search engines work.

Know What Has Been The Most Searched On Google In The Past 2013?
Google Trend 2013

Through this tool you can see what search terms most used currently getting to know the use of # Keywords (Keywords) are. 

Using Google Trends and Google Adwords allows you to calculate the volume of searches from your own # keywords to achieve achieve a good positioning of your website.

Using Google Trends ?
1 - Get the tool Google Trend
2 - In the first instance you will see the most popular searches.
3 - In the box Search / Search # You can view your keywords.
4 - Showing you the evolution in a score ranging from 0 to 100.
5 - You can also see the related searches.

If you see what all this seems a little  difficult, you may TopCharts Google tool Through this tool Google offers you the chance to meet the most searched terms in some predefined categories.

Google Trends

Google Trends

Google Trends

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#GooglePlace The Best Way Of Connecting With Your Customers

Posted by Look Ideas On 3/11/2014

Google Place is the best way to connect with your customers in an easy, free and fun. How to reach millions of users of Google ? It may seem like a headache, an impossible mathematical formula to figure out maybe? by no means the best way is through Google Place, quick and free. 

Each day the number of users who use internet to for  companies is increased and most importantly of all, if you're not on the Internet as a business simply does not exist. The solution for all of you is:

- The first thing to do is register with Google Place :) 
Google Places allows you to create a listing of quality in just a few seconds and best of all completely free.
- Customize your business listing, update your data is not the same to appear on the internet that appear well positioned in Google (Google is the best search engine world, Google would not be possible to find on the Internet Whether you talk or Internet. Google both are a couple that go hand in hand).

- In addition to your business listing you can add notifications. 
- With a listing on Google Place you will know that many users have seen their business listing, clicks have been made ​​on it.
-   Google is always looking for the highest quality and with Google Places offers it for free. 
- You can highlight your company with photos and  videos, with custom categories.
- Making sure you always have your business listing date to be easily found through Google and Google Maps.

"The World Is Much Easier With Google"