

#GoogleTrends You Positioning Tool

Posted by Look Ideas On 3/11/2014 No comments

This Google service is an essential tool for any Community Manager and even to anyone who will pique curiosity and wanting to know more as the search engines work.

Know What Has Been The Most Searched On Google In The Past 2013?
Google Trend 2013

Through this tool you can see what search terms most used currently getting to know the use of # Keywords (Keywords) are. 

Using Google Trends and Google Adwords allows you to calculate the volume of searches from your own # keywords to achieve achieve a good positioning of your website.

Using Google Trends ?
1 - Get the tool Google Trend
2 - In the first instance you will see the most popular searches.
3 - In the box Search / Search # You can view your keywords.
4 - Showing you the evolution in a score ranging from 0 to 100.
5 - You can also see the related searches.

If you see what all this seems a little  difficult, you may TopCharts Google tool Through this tool Google offers you the chance to meet the most searched terms in some predefined categories.

Google Trends

Google Trends

Google Trends

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