

By and For Men born @Lookideas

Posted by Look Ideas On 3/10/2014 No comments

The past year has been a difficult year in every way. I can say surely was not just for us but for everyone. He has just as where we were or where we were, the fact is that it has been very difficult. It has been a year of survival, a year in which politicians have continued making the rounds, it is very clear what their true intentions are. Thousands of events in an atmosphere of genuine political social devastation in which the ghosts of the past have not disappeared but have further corrupted the society in which I live.

All my friends have gone to other countries looking for the opportunity that Spain could not provide them at this time (I will not say the word because they do not believe in it). But I have been, not because I believe in this country but because I believe in the citizens of this new world. The world has changed, my life has changed and today. Having grown up is something really true and there will always be people who try to take advantage of you, you try to cheat, you create even smarter than you are not. But there will be people who get the best of each of us, support us and give us an opportunity to continue growing.

But despite all of them know that you say. YET STILL HERE WITH MORE FORCE THAN EVER! During 2013 I have had many bad times but I'll take the good with those who actually looked back and smiled. There are very important people in my life who have helped me tremendously. I'll take many names. People who have been through my side and I have left traces: (I can not name them all) Fer, Stefano, Paul, Luke, Claudia (flatmates), Jesus, Rachel, Lorena, Alfredo, Loreto, (Partners in Adesis Netlife ), Iñigo Bordiú My Brothers (NYC) and Víctor García Nieto (Google) that have never failed to support me, Nieto and Navy (Teachers CEU), Jorge Jimenez Ortigosa My Mentor. A Tito Carlos Pérez Gómez My Party and adventure, those who give me support since my Ceuta need not mention because I like my Island Las Palmas de Gran Canaria know who you are. Together with my family that has never stopped believing in me and has always supported me to continue superándome. My girlfriend, best girlfriend in the world, a wonderful, beautiful and perfect girl but she does not know. The girl of my dreams, the girl that makes me happy. Dawn Dawn as she is always there to support me, to strengthen me, to help me, to wish me well, the woman of my life that I want to spend eternity, Thanks (P). For them ALL THANK YOU FOR GIVING ME ALL INFINITE, what a friend, partner, brother, son, boyfriend may need in good and bad times. SUPPORT, BELIEF, FORCE, FRIENDSHIP and MUCH LOVE.

I just want to give advice to ALL OF YOU ... Vivid far, CARPE DIEM, do not worry about tomorrow long term. Bring head out the window, breathe it deep, shout, smile and be happy now because in the end everything in life comes down to something very simple yet very complex. BE HAPPY and other hard hit, with hope, struggle, dedication, eager and passing, wanting to LIVE and GROW.  

THANKS A TOD @ S; From Ideas Look team.


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