

#Garvey A United Spain, Spain Splendid One

Posted by Look Ideas On 3/05/2014 No comments

A lot of time mulling over his head and eating me inside when I hear that  ad Garvey . But do not take any more and I decide to write, a splendid advert which will be filled with pride to that name but what about that part of  Spain forgotten. 

The notice you forget the  kindness and good deeds of the Balearic Islands, p you inspite you not remember the canaries.  Kindness and love has overflowing by the four  costaos, forsake them in your poetry to our h ermanos melillenses village besieged by their  cardinal points, warriors who defended role to never carry their words are wind. 

It seems that fate always want my land Ceuta, is the most overlooked, marginalized, only speaks of it in the boob tube to be despised. Never recognize the merit of the coexistence of four cultures, and people with heart race. Defending their Spain, who boast that they  are mackerel to the four winds and proud of it, no Nos Miguel Hernández did not remember d e us in his beautiful poem "WINDS OF  PEOPLE CARRY ME " 

Us if we remember t i, in your honor your name carries a center  That's what separates us from the
others that the yoke is always on our c abezas, but we always managed to lift it. 

If I die it with your head held high looking sobbing this piece of Spain's forgotten but not with a glass of Garvey but with a cup of hot coffee in my land.

"This country is so. 
Asturian of bravery, 
Basque armored stone 
Valencia joy 
Castilians and  soul, 
Andalusians born between lightning
Extremadura rye 
Galician rain  and calm, 
Catalan firmness, 
Aragonese caste
frutalmente propagated Murcia, 
Leon, and  Navarre owners sweat and Axe.
Balearic with  kindness and good work. 
canaries filled with a flammability 
and overflowing affection for the four  costaos.
melillenses village besieged by its  cardinal points, 
warriors who defended role 
to never carry their words are wind
ceutíes  coexistence of four cultures, 
race and people with heart. 
Defending their Spain 
and feel proud to be mackerel
As said  Miguel Hernandez, 
this country is so,
splendid, and call things by their name, 
bread  bread and brandy, Superb.
Because Spain is as good people. Here we live as we drink, each in their own way, splendid brandy, Garvey "

Garvey said at the time in which was the target web with this spot:

Ignacio Muñoz, former Director of Marketing, "extols the wonder of our country in which live harmoniously and peacefully all Spanish Our towns are filled. and a wide variety of cultural wealth that Spain make something original and different stories. "  Moncasi José María de Alvear, former Press Chief Garvey Group "unique and original argument, Garvey winery (DO Jerez) marks this spot one milestone in the national media extolling the richness of the diversity of peoples and nations that form. "


Written by Jorge Luís Jiménez Ortigosa, my teacher, the man who saw in myself, the way to get to the top, my jaw, my strength, my caste, my gene. The white knight protecting me at every  step, which supports me in every battle. The man who taught me that life can be fulfilled and dreams come true but for that you have to fight without having to wield a sword as you know the pen is mightier than the sword, and here are my words of tribute for this person I always carry in my heart, that this where I am going to always be supported by it. 

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