

#Apple Is a Good Technical Support?

Posted by Look Ideas On 3/05/2014 No comments

Apple Store
David Marin is a young man of twenty-nine Ceuta, like many young Spaniards, has decided to take personal computer as a Mac Book Pro thirteen inches. One afternoon when he was at home working with her laptop in various projects, turning over in his wheelchair, elbow poured a glass of strawberry milkshake on your Mac keyboard Their actions were fast, but not suitable . In such cases, or act efficiently or you are lost. He put his laptop tilted vertically, dried quickly keys but forgot to do it with the hardware off. Reboot the system, but after a few minutes went off. In the following moments to off, took his I-phone and searched the Net to do in these cases. Many of them described that after the spill liquids like coffee, glasses of wine or Coca-Cola on the keyboard of a laptop, you can get to being lost, but that there were extreme options to succeed.
Apple Technical Support
The first options ,  the typical recommended when an electronic device gets wet, are hot air dryers, air cooling, fans, bags of rice absorb moisture, even a dry type of alcohol (yes, dismantling latter computer piece by piece). David Marin put it in an airtight bag for a couple of weeks, in rice, the most suitable option that thought after reading the thousands of forums and websites like: , , www. ,  or . Past two weeks, and their subpar computer skills, decided to try starting your computer. The screen is lit ,  the Apple logo appeared and, within seconds, even though the motherboard was still on, the screen turned off. At first glance, it seemed that the problem was not so great. At first glance, it might be a connection failure.
Science goes beyond what things are in appearance. Apparently, this computer could have been reused as a sandwich or even as a vase. Because you know what they say all the technical services when a liquid falls on the computer, "I throw it out." Panda incompetent ... As noted in his genre Larra items are Spaniards who work and those who do that work. The latter do so reluctantly and evil. And that's how the technical services work.
The next step was to locate a service where you can take your computer so that you do a thorough analysis. The two shops specializing in Mac and spare hardware are: MadriTech and K-tuin. Both are in the capital Madrid. But when you buy a Mac, you're not just buying a computer, also buy a way of life. 
Apple Store Xanadu
This reflection led to David Marin to have to move to Xanadu Mall, on the outskirts of Madrid, one site across the Madrid region where Spanish is one of the official venues of Mac, at least for now ,  because in 2012 Apple bought the building legendary "Uncle Joe", located in the Puerta del Sol, where in 2014 will their new offices and its main Appstore in Spain. However ,  before going to the doctor ,  you have to make an appointment. For in the same way, David had to make an appointment online, relying on the guarantee of the Apple products, those products that never break down and know the power of the word virus.
Appointments for any system belonging to Apple be ordered Apple Care Protection  Plan: " All Apple computers include  one year limited warranty  and 90 days of free telephone support. To expand coverage, hires AppleCare Protection Plan. Because Apple creates the computer, the operating system, and many applications, Apple products are fully integrated systems. Only the AppleCare Protection Plan gives Mac users a maintenance service and support in one place at the hands of Apple experts, so most issues are resolved in a single call. " Are you sure?
Unlimited guarantees
When a customer buys Apple products, the EU legislation on consumer provides a legal guarantee in addition to coverage that provides limited one year warranty and optional Apple AppleCare Protection Plan. The third brand products purchased through Apple also benefit from the legal cover that the EU offers to consumers. The AppleCare Protection is used for defects arising after delivery, three years from the date of purchase for your Mac or Apple monitors, two years from the date of purchase to Apple TV, iPad, iPhone or iPod , telephone support from Apple, Apple stores (Apple Store) or authorized service providers Apple repair service facility or an authorized repair service by mail, rapid replacement service for iPhone and iPad, or repair service Address for desktop computers. And it can be purchased at the following address: # overview  249 €. Of course, you can always hire while your Mac is still covered under the limited one year warranty.
Apple Lifestyle
David Marín ran different and vast halls of Xanadu Mall until he found the future: a large white space ,  as if it were paradise, with hundreds of products Apple made ​​available. At the entrance, a girl or boy dressed in blue ,  as if it were a butler ,  waiting at the door with an I-phone hanging on his neck to look at the different dating  " Technical "  had to carry along day. David narrates: "I accompanied to the central counter, where you have to give your details and explain the problem that led you there. After explain, offered me a seat and I was treated as if it were a cult. I spoke one on one with display names through, my assistant called Marcos. That person that Apple calls "technical", without even opening the computer says that I need to change keyboard and motherboard which involves labor. Rounding, about 700 €. The world fell on me, after the effort that had gone for my family to buy a computer of those characteristics. " However ,  Apple's service offered David leave the computer a few days in the Apple Store to open technical and discovered what the  kit  of the question, but it seems they were not very keen to repair the computer. A few weeks later, received a call on his mobile that came with two options: one, to pay what they asked, two, making a living online. Steve Jobs always shows you the right path.
How does a person with subpar knowledge can solve a complex computer? First, you must never forget that the end is just a computer, despite the Apple cult. And in this case, the nickname of sect is not scornfully, if not so certain. Apple is not like Microsoft, just a computer company. Apple is more than a way of life. The great cornerstone of its peak is in Steve Jobs, after his death by a degenerative disease of pancreatic cancer has been considered one of the great inventors of humanity by Thomas Alba Edison. The creator of an entire product line for action any time of the day. His replacement ,  Tim Cook ,  is considered by Time magazine  one of the most influential people of 2012: " Fierce protector of Jobs' legacy and deeply immersed in the culture of Apple, Cook, 51, has been the most valuable company and innovative in the world to new heights while implementing significant changes in policy soft and shiny. He has indelibly imprinted its leadership in all areas of Apple from managing its internal operations, complex to identify, to the new grazing technology and design advances in the product range . "
Steve Jobs
As noted by developers Mac Book Pro, this technology is an engineering achievement, the result of years of effort and innovation driven by an obsessive attention to detail. This is shown, in particular, as the casing strokes. As set Jony Ive, vice president of design Mac Book Pro line, "usually a laptop is made from multiple parts. This increases the size, weight and the chances of something going wrong. " The breakthrough has been to replace all those separate parts of a single piece: Unibody. "We found a way of creating a much thinner, lighter, durable and with a finish that we could have never imagined laptop". The way to make that key piece is emptying from a solid aluminum plate, as this product is perfect to reduce the thickness, giving the feeling of featherweight.
The vice president of product design, Dan Riccio, believes that housing is a key Unibody design in all Apple products: "If you count with experts able to develop the right machining, you can get a method of assembly that is sufficiently simple to achieve the perfect result. We've always been fans of everything related to the manufacture of our products, which in many ways are even more beautiful inside than outside. I think this demonstrates our dedication, how much we care. "
Profiles on the Web
Profile aged fifteen and almost forty years are devoted to video blogs how to disassemble Books Mac Pro is in a wide range of possibilities. The more control of matter at the hardware are Latin American, whether Mexican, Chilean and Colombian. Highlights about the software compete for the title between open source programs as  Xslimmer,  whose function is to optimize the performance of your Mac,  MacKeeper,  which optimizes disabling any software options that slow computer, or  Istat Menus, which you shows your online activity. These are Americans  versus  Europeans, one of the best free software videoblogs Apple in Catalan, whose name is joanserra2404 Youtube  .

The steps to disassemble a Mac and not go badly are: remove the lower lid is equipped with ten small bolts, remove cover, remove the battery, hard drive, dvd reader / cd, fan, readers RAM up to the keyboard. Clean piece by piece with extreme care and reassemble. For David Marin, after reassembling the laptop and give the power button did something that lit their way, "the screen would not turn on but sounded three short beeps and, for what little I understand of computers, we all know that in such cases it is failing RAM. After changing the spare memory upgrade, the next step is to turn on the computer to see if everything went well. "The first clue is that the typical sound Plang! Start your Mac Second, load white screen with Apple logo, and the latest is that after loading the operating system Lion 'Leopard or Maverick, go with your mouse to the top left of the screen where the manzanita Apple. After deploying the different tabs, you have to click on "about this Macbook", ie, "about this Mac" where they may, if all has gone well, with all that now runs your PC.
This is how a computer always looking for the best option, the most effective is repaired and, of course, cheaper replacement costs. David Marin went from paying 700 € to simply pay each module 4GB G.Skill RAM SO-DIMM DDR3-1066 for € 27.99 in . Apple will continue to be much more than a way of life, but still has much to learn and improve.
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