

#Freak #Klingon, #Elvish and #Avatar

Posted by Look Ideas On 3/05/2014 No comments

Fictional languages ​​have emerged in our culture throughout the history of mankind, in various ways. From the works of JRR Tolkien Elvish emerged, more commonly known as the Elvish. From the film series Star Trek, the Klingon language emerged. The latest to hit the mainstream has been created by James Cameron in his film Avatar, which soon will become trilogy, with the language of the Na'vi.

The legendary television series and film series Star Trek managed to bring to the world  freak  one of the most influential fictional languages ​​in the world. It is characterized as a symbol of pride for the millions of  Trekkies  -term used to refer to fans of Star Trek, admitted to the Oxford Dictionary, which inhabit our planet.
The Klingon people based their cultural traditions in war and reminds the Spartan warriors. While his language is breathy, throaty and unstressed, grammar structure is formed by a set of affixes: guttural occlusive displaced or syllable could make an entire sentence incoherent. A complete sentence may consist of a word and all appropriate affixes.  Their primary feature is based on the consonants H, Q and q are pronounced from the throat and is very unpleasant to the ear. In addition, frequent silences and pauses make it a slow tongue. But it's so popular on the net that even Google has its own version:
Course ready Klingon
nuqneH - Hello
Qapla '- Goodbye
qatlho '- Thanks
Daughter '- Yes
ghobe '- No
tlhIngan vIjatlhlaHbe Hol '- I do not speak Klingon
Divi 'Hol DajatlhlaH'a'? - Do you speak English?
qaparHa '- I like you
qoSlIj yItIv! - Happy Birthday!
nuqDaq 'oH puchpae'? - Where is the bathroom?
bangoywI 'SoH = I love you
nej 'ej Qaw' = Seek and destroy
jaH Daq tuq wij = Come to my house
SoS = Your mother LIJ
jIH = I
Elvish language of Legolas
Is a fictional language created from the series of books by JRR Tolkien that recently has been seen on the big screen with the film adaptation of  The Lord of the Rings,  and before he finished 2012 Enjoy once more of this language in the Peter Jackson movie  The Hobbit.  Though this saga has a multitude of species and characters, more remembered dialect and learned by fans worldwide is Elvish, a language that few  freaks  are able to speak correctly for its high difficulty. Elvish is divided into two: Quenya and Sindarin, both used by the elves of Middle Earth and all fans of Tolkien's world at present, although not with the same wealth as Legolas.
Avatar and Na'vi
This is the latest fictional language that is becoming popular on the Internet. It is spoken by the inhabitants of the fictional moon Pandora in the film  Avatar,  James Cameron, and very soon become trilogy. This language was created by Professor Paul Frommer of the USC Marshall School of Business, PhD in Linguistics. As Frommer points out, "this language was created with the intention of the director, James Cameron, it was pronounceable by the actors who give life to the characters of the film but at the same time has certain nuances that differentiate it from existing languages ".Currently, this language has only a thousand words, but with the help of freaks,  which propose different words to Professor Paul Fommer to go expanding vocabulary, it has come to talk about that, someday, could be so strong as the Klingon .
Dead languages
The last contribution as Google refers to dead languages ​​is known as " Google in Quechua ": . This version includes the possibility for less than one year, you can perform searches in both Spanish and Quechua. Quechua was the language used by the Incas. You should only click the link  button "Qheshwa". "Google Piruw" offers web search (llika), images (t'ijtukukuna) in Google Groups (juñukuna) and directory search (pawachasqa).
In addition, Google also has a hundred languages ​​like lazakh, Lingala, Pashtun, Tajik or Shona. These different versions in different languages, are developed by volunteers through the "Google in your language." Through it, in 2007 the Maori included.  Google These tools are part of a wide range of  gadgets  whose formula is based on introducing them into the search bar and click on the button "I'm Feeling Lucky".

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